Management Philosophy

Message from the President

Perhaps influenced by my father from a young age, I have always loved making things. As a boy, I would stay up late building plastic models and radio-controlled cars. Through that, I feel I learned the joy and difficulty of creating things according to design plans. For me, who makes a living with plastic prototype models, this is my origin. Nowadays, I strive daily not only to make products according to design plans but also to respond quickly to customers' required quality and cost.

Umehara Model was founded by the previous president in 1969 with a single engraving machine and has been machining plastic for nearly 50 years. Utilizing the plastic cutting know-how we have accumulated and the latest CAD and NC technologies, we produce various prototype models ranging from high-performance design mock-ups to working models that emphasize functionality.

Furthermore, by accepting orders for prototype molds, associated secondary processing, and sheet metal parts as a unit, we aim to contribute to prototype development in various fields.

In recent years, the speed of development has become remarkably fast. Umehara Model will continue to strive daily to provide customers with faster, cheaper, and higher-quality products.

Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

Umehara Model Co., Ltd. recognizes that global warming is a common problem for humanity, and in order to aim for the preservation of the global environment and contribution to the local community, each employee will practice environmentally conscious actions.

Basic Policy

In promoting environmental conservation activities, we will undertake the following main activity items.

1. In the area of manufacturing prototypes of plastic and aluminum products, which is our main business,
  1. Considering technical and economic circumstances, we will reduce the environmental impact and strive to realize a recycling-oriented society.
  2. ① To reduce CO2 emissions, we will endeavor to reduce electricity usage, fossil fuel usage, and simple incineration of waste.
  3. ② We will strive to suppress the generation of waste from business activities and improve its reuse.
  4. ③ As water is a limited resource, we will strive to conserve water to reduce usage.
2. In promoting continuous improvement of environmental activities, we will formulate environmental objectives and environmental activity plans and work on them.
We will review the formulated objectives and activity plans periodically or as necessary.
3. In business activities, we will comply with environmental laws, regulations, and other public standards.
4. We will inform all employees about the environmental policy and provide environmental education to enhance employees' environmental awareness.
5. We will disclose information related to environmental management internally and externally and communicate with the local community.

Umehara Model Co., Ltd.
Yoshiki Umehara

Eco Action 21

In August 2018, following the registration audit conducted in July 2018, our company was confirmed to comply with the requirements of the Eco Action 21 guidelines and obtained certification and registration.

What is the Eco Action 21 Certification and Registration System?
Based on the "Eco Action 21 Guidelines" formulated by the Ministry of the Environment, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Center for Sustainability conducts a certification and registration system for businesses, as a method for "building, operating, and maintaining a system to carry out environmental initiatives effectively and efficiently, having environmental goals, taking action, compiling results, evaluating, and reporting," targeting a wide range of small and medium-sized enterprises, schools, and public institutions.

Company Profile

Company Name Umehara Model Co., Ltd.
President Yoshiki Umehara
Head Office Factory 651 Higashishinmachi, Ota City, Gunma Prefecture 373-0015, Japan [ google maps ]
TEL. +81-276-37-5700 / FAX. +81-276-37-5702
Ashikaga Factory 457 Minami-Oomachi, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture 326-0836, Japan [ google maps ]
Established September 18, 1975
Business Activities Prototype modeling of various plastic products
Site and Building Area Head Office Factory: Site 1,500 m2, Building 450 m2, Inspection Building 200 m2, Casting Factory 100 m2
Ashikaga Factory: Site 1,200 m2, Building 410 m2
Number of Employees 25 employees
Main Banks Ashikaga Bank Higashi Branch, Shoko Chukin Bank Ashikaga Branch, Gunma Bank Ashikaga Branch

Company History

1969 May Founded as a sole proprietorship in Tomoe-cho, Ashikaga City
1972 April Established a new factory in Ryuumae, Ota City
1975 April Incorporated as Umehara Model Co., Ltd.
1981 July Established and relocated to a new factory in Minami-Oomachi, Ashikaga City
1989 April Established and relocated the head office factory to Ota City
 1989 May Reorganized into a corporation
1997 June Established a new casting factory at the head office
2001 April Established a new product inspection room
2013 January Katsuo Umehara appointed as Chairman
Yoshiki Umehara appointed as President
2016 October Expanded the product inspection room
 2016 June Completed new company building
Introduced 17th Robodrill machine
Introduced 1 CNC 3D measuring machine: Mitutoyo CRYSTA-ApexS 7106
2017 January Introduced 1 Takisawa TAC-360
2018 June Introduced 1 DMG MORI CMX1100V
2025 January Introduced 1 MAKINO DA300 5-axis vertical machining center